Hang glass tay below aluminum tay, and place a glassof wate on the platfom to make glass tay dipped in wate. Place the objectto be measued in aluminum tay and weigh out its weight accoding to the abovemethod. Then move it to the glass tay and immense it in wate completely. Addpoises in aluminum tay until the scale line on index mio estoe to theoiginal position (namely the position that the object to be measued inaluminum tay). The weight of poises in the tay is the weight of the samecubage of wate expelled by the object. The popotion of weights of the objectto be measued and the same cubage of wate is its specific density.
4. Measue the specific density of liquid (in thelimit of no eoding glass tay and middle object)
The device is the same as the above. Take a solid asthe middle object, and measue out the liquid of the same cubage and the weightof wate accoding to the above method. The popotion of the weights of theliquid of the same cubage and the wate of the same cubage is the specificdensity of the liquid.