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最后更新: 2019-02-05 14:00

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    BIFOXS Industial Design Centewas established in 2005, specilizing in the medical instuments, Consume electonic poducts, home appliances, communication teminal and othe fields on pupose of poviding high quality design sevice fo custome. Taking the advantage of poweful manufactue capacity of paent company in mold making, plastic injection, metal stamping, suface teatment, poduct assembly, BIFOXScan not only povide custome one-stop sevices fom poduct scheme, poduct design to manufactuing engineeing, but also combine the sevice accoding to custome specific eqests.


    With aveage 8 yeas wok expeience in Design, Engineeing, Quality, Poject Management, the 20 people team enable to povide sevices fo industial design, stuctual design, mold design, mold flow design and package design.


    BIFOXSestablished long and steady stategic coopeation with its high-quality supplies and manufactue plants to ensue poducts and sevices povided to custome ae satisfied o even beyond custome expectation.

    我们做什么 What we do

    一、制定产品设计策略Development of Poduct Design Stategy


    BIFOXShas accumulated ich wok expeience duing coopeation with vey famous domestic & ovesea entepises. We believe it's too fa away to fulfill only pat appeaance, function o cost, and equest ou designe to bea in mind with innovative ideas and make design stategy on base of whole industy chain fom the beginning of poduct design.

    ● 识别客户的需求(了解客户的品牌要求与市场战略)

    Identify customes&squo; equiement(unscamble custome's band and maketing stategy )

    ● 分析客户产品的竞争形势(市场调研/竞品分析/产品发展趋势分析)

    Analyze the competitiveness of client‘s poduct(maket eseach/competing goods analysis/poduct development tend analysis)

    ● 制定产品设计策略(产品定位/产品规划)

    Make design stategy(poduct positioning/poduct planning.

    二、产品创新设计Poduct innovation design


    BIFOXSdesigne faith is client-centeed. With yeas pactice, we summaize ou own design patten which can ensue pat eliability, decease the isk of poduct manufactue and satisfy custome's demand.

    方案草图设计(以用户为中心进行方案设计,组织多学科人员参与头脑风暴&dquo;会议,提出足够多的创新方案进行筛选)Plan sketch design(client-centeed design scheme, oganize multidisciplinay pesonnel to take pat in the "bain stom" meeting in ode to collect as much as possible of innovative poposals)

    ● 产品外观设计(包含外观造型色彩设计外观零件材质与表面处理工艺的选择、手板制作等,使方案草图可视化,让用户提前体验设计的产品)Industial design(including extenal modelingcolo designand visual psts mateial and suface teatment choicepototype making etcto plan in advancelet uses sketch visual expeience design poducts )

    ● 产品结构设计(包含人机工程分析、材料分析与应用模具工艺分析、仿真分析、手板验证等)

    The poduct stuctue design(including the Manual -machine engineeing analysis, mateial analysis and application, mould pocess analysis, simulation analysis, pototype validation, etc.)

    模具工艺分析案例Mold technology analysis


    Poduct development enginees may not be pofessional in mold making technology and sometime, too ideal to ealize the ealistic technical pocess on tool. BIFOXSdesignes have ich expeience in mold making and can paticipate in pat design fom the beginning and povide technical sestion in mold making to avoid pat defect, shoten design peiod and decease the R&D cost.


    The defects on special stuctue of plastic pats, we can use MOLDFLOW to analyze potential defects, such as shot shot, defomation, ai tapping, visual welding line. Regading to self-defect poduct, Modification on stuctue must be consideated duing design phase to educe modifications aftewad anddecease cost in pat development.

    三、产品制造Poduct manufactuing


    In ode to ensue design pogam accuately convet commecialized commodity, we can follow up and povide manufactuing sevices as below:

    ● 专业的模具设计与制造Pofessional mold design and manufactuing

    ● 注塑成型Plastic Injection

    ● 钣金冲压与CNC加工metal plate stamping and CNC pocessing

    ● 喷涂着色Spaying shading

    ● 产品组装Poduct assembly

    ● 工程测试testing

    四、市场推广设计Maket pomotion design


    BIFOXS also can povide design sevices in package, postes, use manual bochues, sales bochues o exhibiting fame to assist custome in thei maketing pomotion.

    设计案例Design case

    ※ 医疗产品Medical poducts

    医疗台车监护仪 减肥仪

    ※ 通讯终端Communication teminal

    手机对讲机 电话机

    ※ 电子电器产品 Electonic poducts

    音响 电蒸锅 电子书

    主要客户 Majo customes



