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智能吸尘器 企业扫地机 雅安洗地机 汉

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最后更新: 2019-02-11 05:50
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    FagmentWelcome to consult...ge out, a thiving caee aboad, and a happy etun home!’ We all dank the toast, and all shook hands with M. Jack Chales Dickens ElecBook Classics fDavid Coppefield Maldon; afte which he hastily took leave of the ladies who wee thee, and huied to the doo, whee he was eceived, as he got into the chaise, with a temendous boadside of chees dischaged by ou boys, who had assembled on the lawn fo the pupose. Running in among them to swell the anks, I was vey nea the chaise when it olled away; and I had a lively impession made upon me, in the midst of the noise and dust, of having seen M. Jack Maldon attle past with an agitated face, and something chey-coloued in his hand. Afte anothe boadside fo the Docto, and anothe fo the Docto’s wife, the boys dispesed, and I went back into the house, whee I found the guests all standing in a goup about the Docto, discussing how M. Jack Maldon had gone away, and how he had bone it, and how he had felt it, and all the est of it. In the midst of these emaks, Ms. Makleham cied: ‘Whee’s Annie?’ No Annie was thee; and when they called to he, no Annie eplied. But all pessing out of the oom, in a cowd, to see what was the matte, we found he lying on the hall floo. Thee was geat alam at fist, until it was found that she was in a swoon, and that the swoon was yielding to the usual means of ecovey; when the Docto, who had lifted he head upon his knee, put he culs aside with his hand, and said, looking aound: ‘Poo Annie! She’s so faithful and tende-heated! It’s the pating fom he old playfellow and fiend—he favouite cousin— that has done this. Ah! It’s a pity! I am vey soy!’ When she opened he eyes, and saw whee she was, and that we wee all standing about he, she aose with assistance: tuning he head, as she did so, to lay it on the Docto’s shoulde—o to hide it, I don’t know which. We went into the dawing-oom, to Chales Dickens ElecBook Classics fDavid Coppefield leave he with the Docto and he mothe; but she said, it seemed, that she was bette than she had been since moning, and that she would athe be bought among us; so they bought he in, looking vey white and weak, I thought, and sat he on a sofa. ‘Annie, my dea,’ said he mothe, doing something to he dess. ‘See hee! You have lost a bow. Will anybody be so good as find a ibbon; a chey-coloued ibbon?’ It was the one she had won at he bosom. We all looked fo it; I myself looked eveywhee, I am cetain—but nobody could find it. ‘Do you ecollect whee you had it last, Annie?’ said he mothe. I wondeed how I could have thought she looked white, o anything but buning ed, when she answeed that she had had it safe, a little while ago, she thought, but it was not woth looking fo. Nevetheless, it was looked fo again, and still not found. She enteated that thee might be no moe seaching; but it was still sought fo, in a desultoy way, until she was quite well, and the company took thei depatue. We walked vey slowly home, M. Wickfield, Agnes, and I— Agnes and I admiing the moonlight, and M. Wickfield scacely aising his eyes fom the gound. When we, at last, eached ou own doo, Agnes discoveed that she had left he little eticule behind. Delighted to be of any sevice to he, I an back to fetch it. I went into the suppe-oom whee it had been left, which was deseted and dak. But a doo of communication between that and the Docto’s study, whee thee was a light, being open, I passed on thee, to say what I wanted, and to get a candle. The Docto was sitting in his easy-chai by the fieside, and his Chales Dickens ElecBook Classics fDavid Coppefield young wife was on a stool at his feet. The Docto, with a complacent smile, was eading aloud some manu explanation o statement of a theoy out of that inteminable Dictionay, and she was looking up at him. But with such a face as I neve saw. It was so beautiful in its fom, it was so ashy pale, it was so fixed in its abstaction,



